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The #1 Conservative Website Builder

Ryvall was founded by experience campaign operatives who have helped conservative candidates win from City Council to Congress. We realized that local candidates need a fast, affordable way to get a website up fast. Ryvall is a political website builder that empowers you to make and maintain your own simple campaign website in minutes.

Liberals are beating us online. Ryvall is designed to help local republican and conservative candidates fight back and get their campaigns online fast.

example website made using Ryvall's political campaign website builder

You Can Build A Website That Wins

Big tech platforms like Squarespace and Wix and made for designers. Instead of wasting hours fiddling with layouts and sorting through templates, Ryvall keeps you focused on your message and let’s you set up a campaign webpage in minutes. Our campaign website builder takes care of all of the complicated design work for you.

Power Your Campaign With Online Fundraising

To help conservative candidates, Ryvall makes it easy to link to your WinRed donation page with just a few simple clicks. No matter what donation processor you use you can connect quickly to your website. 

Basic Plan

Most frequent questions and answers

Why choose Ryvall?

While other web design options exist, Ryvall is built exclusively for campaigns. While other drag and drop website editors can make a beautiful site, they fall down when it comes to function. From day one, your site will collect valuable emails and volunteers that you can download easily. Additionally, Ryvall provides every candidate managed updates, so you never have to fiddle with the back end of your site. Instead, just send us an email and we will handle the updates for you, making editing your site painless. (Of course if you’re a tech savvy campaign that wants the freedom of access to the backend we can provide that as well).

What is included in the basic plan?

Every plan includes your domain name registration and hosting. Our hosting is backed by the Google Cloud Platform, delivering incredible reliability. Each site also includes a free SLL certificate. We handle all of the technical details so you don’t have to manage any hosting accounts and get lost in technical jargon.

What do I need to get started?

You will need to set up a way to accept contributions, write a short candidate biography, and have some kind of slogan for your campaign. With those items we can get a site up and running in three business days. Many candidates will also want to write short statements on the issues that are important to their campaign, as well as have professional photos taken. We can build a functional site with as little or as much content as you want.

Do basic plans include email?

Basic plans do not include email accounts. Instead, your website has a contact form that will be directed to the personal email of your choice, providing constituents a way to get in touch. If you need more advanced email features, consider upgrading to a standard or premium plan.

What design options come with the basic plan?

To start, you can select from three custom templates that are designed specifically for campaigns. Each template is mobile responsive, so your site will look great no matter what. With a basic plan you can upload a logo and select custom colors, or pick from one of our easy ready to go color palettes.